by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 23, 2022 | energy
I watched the livestreamed portion of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s annual summit as a salve from the sting of not being able to attend in person. First things first, it didn’t work — I’m still quite disappointed I couldn’t attend. I will say, though, that the...
by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 21, 2022 | energy
There is no shortage of enterprise software firms vying to meet the needs of large companies seeking to calculate and manage carbon emissions information in a more automated, verifiable fashion. There are far fewer tools catering to small and midsize businesses —...
by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 20, 2022 | energy
The global apparel supply chain is one of the most complex of any industry. It’s been reported that one T-shirt can travel thousands of miles before a customer purchases it, expertly shown in this KQED presentation. But these numerous international stops along...
by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 19, 2022 | energy
In late 2020, California and then the United Kingdom took a stand on the future of the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. To me, this moment was the beginning of the end for ICE vehicles: California, the fifth-largest economy in the world and the state with the...
by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 14, 2022 | energy
Despite their role in promoting sustainable development in the built environment, microgrids have traditionally been powered by fossil fuels — primarily natural gas. However, improved microgrid technology, along with a steady trend in cost reductions, are inspiring an...
by ABA| Accreditation | Jul 13, 2022 | energy
“If you build it, they will buy,” Joanna Klitzke, strategy and operations lead for Frontier, told me, citing her company’s slightly altered “Field of Dreams” inspired mantra.The “it” in this case doesn’t refer to a sports-themed...